I've not managed so well this week. I felt a little under the weather and it kind of put thoughts of healthy eating, reading and swimming out of my mind. I have managed to listen to most of a 30 hour audio book however.
Don't forget to head over to the Caffeinated Book Reviewer and sign up.
What I've been reading:
Anne of Green Gables by L. M. Montgomery
- An interesting book, but perhaps not entirely to my taste while being every bit the page turner.
- This will count towards the following challenges; Alphabet Soup, 12 Months Classics Challenge, 100+ Books Challenge and You Read How Many Books Challenge.
The Blue Sword by Robin McKinley
- This book is very different than it's prequel/sequel. I'm not quite sure I've read them in the right order.
- This book counts towards the following challenges; Alphabet Soup, 2016 Flights of Fantasy Reading Challenge, 2016 Series a Month Challenge, 100+ Books Challenge and You Read How Many Books Challenge.
- This book is also the second of the first series nominated for the Flights of Fantasy Book Club hosted by Alexa Loves Books.
The Great Hunt by Robert Jordan
- This book is just as good as the first in the series and I've barely been able to stop listening to it. It equates to nearly 30 hours of listening however I have very few hours of it left.
- This book counts towards the following challenges; Alphabet Soup, Flights of Fantasy Reading Challenge, 100+ Books Challenge and You Read How Many Books Challenge.
What I've Posted This Week:
I've only managed one post this week
My Bookish Resolutions
Reading Challenges:
- I have read 9/41 Discworld books
- I have read 3/100 books in 2016 so far
Blogging Challenges:
- I feel like a blogging routine is something that is evading me.
- I have made progress towards cataloguing my 'library', here.
- So far I have managed to review all of the books I've finished so far this year! Huzzah, one New Years Resolution going well.
- I've set up the basics for some reviews I'm planning to write.
Personal Challenges:
- I managed to maintain a neutral weight this week.
- I only went swimming once this week and only managed 42 lengths.
- I had 2 fizzy drinks this week. A step backwards.
A Couple of Interesting Articles I've seen this week
- This post from Math With Bad Drawings which draws together two of my greatest loves; Maths and Storytelling. It's a relatively intense look at life from the perspective of some of the most prominent numbers we can be taught.
- This post about the semantics of translating from maths into other languages. In school we were taught the two different definitions of a Billion, on the basis that financially we as a nation now use the short-scale version and that historically we have used the long scale version. As a maths graduate and computer programmer I do wish they'd tidied up the code they inserted into the article however as I feel there are a couple of steps which can only cause confusion.
- And finally this post which says that Dirty Dancing is to be remade. I have mixed feelings on the subject. On the one hand I love the film and am a bit concerned a remake could ruin the charm of the original. On the other I always wanted to know what happened after the summer ended and a part of me hopes this may open up avenues for that to be explored.
I don't know that there's a "right" order to read The Blue Sword and The Hero and the Crown...they were published in reverse chronological order and that's how I read them, which worked for me. Love them both!