4 October 2012

Mockingjay - Suzanne Collins

Mockingjay is a book I didn't enjoy as much as the previous two in this trilogy. I still enjoyed it a lot but it was a little bit sad to tell the truth. In fact there were several very sad moments and even the happy ending was somewhat bitter-sweet.

Mockingjay was as fast-paced, if not more so, than the two previous books and the events in it felt in many ways more natural. Perhaps because it wasn't inside an arena where contestants fight to the death. 

I was glad however that Suzanne Collins didn't start to shy away from the difficult moral questions while writing this ending, she maintained a balance which included facing the question of large scale technological warfare.

It was a fitting ending, it just pulled at my heartstrings a tad too much. And I don't think I can be the only one who thinks Katniss and Peeta deserved their chance together!

I'm linking up to Speed Date Night @ The Book Swarm.

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  1. Oh man I know what you mean! I just felt like I would never be happy again, ever! I haven't been able to bring myself to re-read it I'm just well is scared the right word? I'm not sure but I know I'll just get sad all over again if I do read it! I just love Katniss and Peeta so much and wanted things to work out for them but equally I'm glad Suzanne didn't just make them all live happily ever after it seems truer this way!

    1. The terrible just kept happening and happening and happening some more. I couldn't stop reading it though :P But I don't think I'll be able to revisit it, I was pleased too about the reality of it all, or the ending anyway :)
